So, here it is...the big 21... I'm not sure if I feel much different about things now that I am 21, but I definitely am feeling a bit older. Like my sister said, "You're no longer considered a teenager:)" So what does turning 21 mean when you're a Mormon? I have yet to figure that out, but I know that someday I will look back on my 21st birthday and smile. It was filled with great friends, activities, and a little craziness:) 21 is merely a milestone in my life, another thing to categorize into my life's lists of activities, and I think that it should mean something more. What it should mean is beyond me, but all I know is one day I will figure it out, hopefully. I feel somewhat responsible for myself now as well, like many decisions rest upon me. Part of me is happy about growing up, the other part is wishing things could be the same. But if life were the same, how would it be exciting? And why would I be motivated to accomplish anything?? Life is complicated, but I love it. I love living life, making decisions, learning, growing, having fun, being crazy, and having people to love and people to love me back. Having the wonders of nature around me, Heavenly Father's hand in my life, and knowing that I can make a difference in the lives of those that I meet. Life is life, sometimes it is good, other times it is not so pleasant. But no matter what the occasion, I am always thankful that I am me. So, here's wishing a happy 21st year of my life, another year to try my hardest, work towards my goals, and hopefully try something new, exciting, mystical....