Monday, October 13, 2008

Class Cancelation

One of the saddest times of my days are when my roommates are sitting around when they usually have class. When asked why they aren't in class, they tell me that their class was canceled. Canceled??? Why does everyone else get classes canceled but mine!! I always get jealous about them getting to sleep in, watch a movie, or just relax during that hour. But, alas, I never have a canceled class. Today, on my way up to the Hinckley, I heard a fire alarm going off, and a fire truck heading up towards the building. As I walked closer, I realized that the huge mass of people outside of the Hinckley and the alarm going off meant I might not have class....maybe.....Anyways, I waited outside in the complete freezing cold(30 degrees) and waited for a verdict. About fifteen minutes later, our teachers started gathering us to say that we will not be having class that day, for that hour. What great luck! I guess that it isn't necessarily luck, but I still was excited to have an hour off, especially on a monday:) Don't worry, I'm pretty sure everything is all right in my wonderful Hinckley building, I heard it was something to do with wiring?? I'm just basking in the wonderfullness of a canceled class, an hour to myself, to (hopefully) get a little homework done....

1 comment:

brian_angela said...

Having class canceled has not always been a joy for me. In my classes they usually try to reschedule the class for a different time which is often worse than having it at the normal time. Glad you got some excitement out of the canceled class though.
