Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just Havin' Fun

So, the semester has come and gone and I am now home for the summer. It is a little sad, but I am excited to be here and I have been having fun with my mom and dad. But, before a semester can change and move one, there's the last night with the roommates, and this semester we went out with a bang! We decided to dye our hair, temporary of course, and I was going to try and keep it in for my family to see it the next two days when I saw them. Sadly, I have brown hair which means that I don't really get much color to show up in my hair, but I am happy with how the rest of it turned out! I almost wish I were blonde, as you can see their hair dying experience was much more dramatic! We had a lot of fun, I didn't get much reaction from my hair, but that's ok, I didn't want much...Check out some of the pics!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Cocoa Bean

Yesterday Monica and I were celebrating our last time together and decided to go try out The Cocoa Bean Cafe. It was pretty much amazing. They had all of these delicious cup cakes and hot chocolate or cold chocolate drinks. Amazing, and in the middle of Rexburg, it made us feel like we were back in Seattle, or Portland!This was their mint chocolate cupcake, amazing.
Me drinking the most amazing chocolate drink EVER!! Caramaly chocolatey goodness!

Happy April Fools Day!

So, April Fool's Day came and went with only a few minor scratches:) I woke up and all of my clothes were gone, later I found out that they were all in my roommate closet....My other roommate woke up with peanut butter all over their bedroom door handle! I fell for that once when I walked into their room! So, I got back the culprits by taking shoes, about 50 pairs, and taking blankets and such....it was a fun day, a day to watch your back, but a fun day.....

The Peanut Butter door handle
My clothes in my roommates closet, she's from Rexburg and so her sid eof the closet is usually empty(The left side)