Sunday, November 22, 2009


The day before Halloween, it was actually the day before Nevada day, we had a Halloween party at school. They have this huge Halloween parade, and with about 900 kids that were not on track break, this was a huge massive caos in lines....The kids costumes were adorable, my favorite was the little kindergartners, they were so cute! There was a little buz lightyear that made me smile! After that, we had a halloween party. I decided that since it was Halloween, I was going to dress up, as a student:) I had my students guessing all day as to what I was dressed up as! I was wearing my Pyro shirt, so they were guessing things like "fireworks salesperson" and such. It was fun....still no one guessed who I actually was:) It was a lot of fun, and I loved my students costumes as well.
Nevada day creates a wonderful day off before Halloween, so I decided to go to Utah! I had so much fun hanging out with my sister Angela and her family. I must admit, though, that the wonderful warmness of Las Vegas was missed:)
Anyways, we went to my nephews school Halloween carnival. That was a lot of fun, I was reminded of my own elementary school days when I had those amazing carnivals:)
We also carved Pumpkins. Angela and I shared this pumpkin and made a super cute face on it.
The next day, we went trick or treating at Macy's, and then we went to visit my grandma. My sister and I decided that we needed to go to the mall, and it was complete madness because of the trick or treating in the mall, although Bath and Body Works is quite nice. We went back home and I helped make some jack-o-lantern grilled cheese sandwiches. We also had potato soup, french bread, and ghost pie:) It was so delicious.
I went out trick-or-treating with the nephews, they looked adorable in their fireman outfits:) They were cute running around and knocking on doors.
I had a lot of fun, I don't think that I have ever done Halloween with little kids before. They are so cute with how excited they get, and even though they don't get a lot of candy, they are fun to be with on such an exciting holiday!

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